smile after PDO threads

Can You Smile After PDO Threads?

Polydioxanone (PDO) threads have taken the cosmetic industry by storm, offering an innovative, non-surgical solution to age-related skin sagging and wrinkles. As with any aesthetic procedure, there are understandable concerns and questions about recovery, potential side effects, and the dos and don’ts of aftercare. This article aims to address these queries, particularly focusing on one question that’s on everyone’s lips – Can you smile after PDO threads

The PDO Thread Lift Procedure

PDO thread lift is a minimally invasive procedure that employs absorbable sutures to lift and tighten sagging skin. The PDO threads are inserted under the skin, providing an instant lift while stimulating collagen production for long-term rejuvenation.

Thread Lift Recovery: What to Expect?

Post-procedure, you may notice some swelling, bruising, or discomfort, which is entirely normal. Usually, these symptoms dissipate after a few days. However, there may be residual tenderness when making expressive facial movements, such as smiling or laughing.

Jaw Pain After Thread Lift

While the PDO thread lift procedure is generally well-tolerated, some patients report jaw pain following the procedure, particularly when it’s used for jowl or jawline lifting. This discomfort is usually due to the healing process and the body’s reaction to the inserted threads. Pain, if present, should be mild and temporary. Over-the-counter pain relievers are often sufficient to manage this discomfort. But if the pain is severe or persistent, it’s essential to consult your practitioner promptly.

Can You Smile After PDO Threads?

Yes, you can smile after PDO thread lift treatment! Yet, it’s important to note that your facial movements might feel slightly restricted initially due to swelling and minor discomfort. This feeling usually eases after a couple of days as your body adjusts to the threads.

As the healing progresses, your ability to smile and make other facial expressions should return to normal. It’s crucial to remember that everyone’s healing process is unique, and individual experiences may vary.

Can I Open My Mouth After Thread Lift?

Certainly, you can open your mouth after a thread lift. But it’s important to mention that you may experience some temporary discomfort or tightness in the days following the procedure, particularly if the threads were placed near your lower face or jawline. This is due to the normal inflammatory response initiated by your body to heal and integrate the threads. During this time, eating soft foods and avoiding exaggerated facial expressions or mouth movements, such as yawning widely or shouting, is advisable to allow for optimal healing. 

Remember, every individual’s experience varies, and following your practitioner’s advice regarding post-procedure care is essential. If you experience severe or prolonged discomfort when opening your mouth, it’s important to contact your practitioner promptly to rule out any complications.

Dos and Don’ts After Thread Lift

To ensure a swift and successful recovery, there are several guidelines you should follow post-procedure.


  • Keep your face clean and moisturized: This helps prevent infection and keeps the skin healthy during healing.
  • Take prescribed medications: These can help manage any discomfort and swelling.
  • Sleep on your back: This position can help reduce pressure on the treated areas and prevent thread displacement.


  • Avoid vigorous physical activity: Intense exercise can increase blood flow and swelling, potentially disrupting healing.
  • Avoid alcohol and smoking: These can impede recovery and increase the risk of complications.
  • Avoid extreme facial expressions: Limiting dramatic facial movements can help the threads settle into place.

Thread Lift Aftercare: Maintaining Your Results

Aftercare is an integral part of the PDO thread lift process, and adhering to the recommended guidelines can extend the longevity of your results. Avoiding sun exposure, keeping a healthy diet, and maintaining good skincare routines are all key components of post-thread lift care.

Regular follow-up appointments are also vital. Your practitioner will be able to monitor your progress, address any concerns, and advise on whether any additional treatments might enhance your results.

The Science Behind PDO Threads

Understanding how PDO threads work will give you a better perspective on the healing process and what you can expect post-procedure. These threads are made from polydioxanone, a biodegradable material commonly used in medical suturing. When inserted beneath the skin, PDO threads act as a scaffolding structure that helps to lift sagging skin.

Moreover, the threads induce a healing response in the body. As the threads gradually dissolve, they stimulate collagen and elastin production, leading to improved skin texture, firmness, and elasticity. This rejuvenation process can continue several months post-procedure, providing progressive and natural-looking results.

Long-term Effects of PDO Threads

One of the appealing aspects of PDO threads is their long-lasting results. Generally, the effects of the procedure can last anywhere from 6 to 18 months, depending on the patient’s skin condition, age, lifestyle, and the type of PDO threads used.

While the threads will dissolve within 4-6 months, the collagen and elastin production they stimulate continues beyond this period, maintaining the rejuvenating effects.

Enhancing Your Thread Lift Results

In addition to following the prescribed aftercare routine, there are several steps you can take to enhance and maintain the results of your PDO thread lift.

  • Healthy lifestyle: Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and adequate hydration all contribute to overall skin health and can support the longevity of your results.
  • Proper skincare routine: Implementing a daily skincare routine that includes cleansing, moisturizing, and using a high-SPF sunscreen can protect your skin and enhance the effects of the PDO thread lift.
  • Supplemental treatments: Treatments such as laser therapy, facials, or dermal fillers can complement the results of a PDO thread lift. Consult your practitioner for personalized advice.

Potential Risks and Complications

As with any cosmetic procedure, PDO threads come with potential risks and complications. These may include infection, thread migration or extrusion, and prolonged discomfort. But these are rare and generally associated with incorrect placement of the threads or inadequate aftercare.

Your practitioner should fully discuss potential risks with you before the procedure. Following all pre- and post-procedure instructions can significantly minimize these risks.

Final Thoughts

PDO thread lifts present a remarkable balance between non-invasive treatments and surgical facelifts, offering substantial results with minimal downtime. The key to successful treatment and recovery lies in understanding the process, setting realistic expectations, and adhering strictly to aftercare instructions.

So, after a PDO thread lifts, not only can you smile – you’ll likely be smiling more radiantly than ever! Nevertheless, remember that each person’s experience is unique, and your journey should be guided by professional advice tailored to your specific needs and circumstances.